Thursday, September 10

How do they do it?

Ozzy has previously said that it's all the more remarkable that I'm so involved in carset making and clan management and previously the RLB because I don't play very many games, because it shows that I'm not addicted, and you wouldn't expect me to care.

The truth, of course, is that I know what's best for me. Jules is right with the 1 carset advice. I'm in an odd situation: there are few carsets that I truly get enthusiastic about, and I don't want to play them all that often, really. So I stick to one public at a time, excedpt in exceptional circumstances, such as the rush of new carsets.

And I do anything in addition to that mainly because I have to. Nobody gives me a choice about joining the clan games, or the workshop privates, it's my duty to do these to show willing and encourage others. It's not that I don't enjoy these, quite the oppersite, but, when I'm in a private with 12 in it, I don't think that it, on it's own, is doing much for me. Being teamed with Rob, racing agaisnt these people who we see about often on the workshop, that's what makes it worthwhile.

So yeah, no matter what, I try to keep my games down. I was trying to keep them down during the summer holiday, for various reasons, mainly so not to lump my sitter when I'm on my travels with too many games, but just because I know that's how you get more fun out of it. I must have had 4 active games, and that felt like a lot, 6 would be unmanagable.

And now it's even worse. I've started college, and I simply don't have the time for all this. And this is the first week.

Now, Ozzy quite wisely last year cut back as he started his studies. I don't think that I need to cut back, I'm not exactly doing all that many games as it stands, but it has got me wondering, how do people do it?

12 games would last me three or four months. If you have three accounts, all full (and what's the point of having multiple accounts not to fill them up?) then it's just madness, you'd have 12 games finish in what? 10 days?

How do people live a normal life and put so much into this web game? It truly baffles me, and I think some are doing themselves no favours by doing that. It just seems like it will stress you out, and you won't enjoy it. You won't get to know the games, you might make mistakes (I know I would, just now I looked at the team talk and realised I hadn't hit the button and got the message in team talk for my (non-KT) teammate to see, and that's with 3 games to survey, would I have picked it up with 20?), you simply won't enjoy it all that much. So it's simple, don't join games. I find it awfully easy to just browse the new public games, and not join any. Maybe it helps me in the long run.

Yeah, Jules is definatly right, one game for 5 minutes is the way to go.

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