Tuesday, January 27

Some people with their big mouths...

Well, so I think we know where you end up if you listen to the other people on the forum. So, Sharky makes a perfectly reasonable and valid suggestion one the forum, to make a generic version of IndyCar. We had originally considered this, such good an idea it is. It was always in the plan to have a generic version for private games at least, and as time goes on, to see how things work out, and maybe go foward with a sole public, generic version, with Long Beach certainly, and Toronto a possiblity, at the possible expense of Surfers and Nashville. You see, 2009 is less suited to historically accurate than 2008, no transition teams, and it won't be seen as such a historic season.

But anyhow, this was actually a very good suggestion. Indeed, I have since PMed Jules about it, and if he likes, then we're go. And, as I said, we will see how things go, and make our minds up as we go along, what is the right direction with such things as the multiple compound tyres and the transitional teams, will they still be obviously weeker on the ovals?

But still, there were still some people who just didn't read what was written, but still have the divine right to comment. Firstly, Shane Van Rooy came along and said no, then started a suggestion for CCWS 2007, a truly dreadful suggestion. All because he couldn't be bothered to read it. Jef had a similar response, said that he didn't bother reading it, and when I asked him how he could comment something that he knows nothing about, he just replied that he knew it all along, which really doesn't make any sense (I expect nothing better from Jef). James Donald, didn't read it, expressed an opinion which presumably relates to public games. So, that's three guys who think that they can comment on something they know nothing about. Who choose to ignore it. Great.

Fortuantly, the suggestion does have support, thanks to the people who really matter (subject to Jules being added to that) doing something about it. And I can't see CC 2007 coming, thank you very much.

But just remember, some people think more of themselves than they really should. And they're more than willing to share that with you. despite the fact that they cannot support their opions, or even show any signs of knowing a thing about what they're talking about. Oh Joy.

Monday, January 26

The whole queuing system

Where better to start than a topic which seems so relavant, and is attracting so much attention from people right now? Just so that you know where I stand with all this, and then you can think about it some more.

The current system works thus (I think):
For each carset that is in the queue, when you click on the E-mail me link, not only does that mean that you will get sent an email, but you also 'vote' for that carset to be the next one to come out after another is full. And simply, the carset that most exceeds the number of spaces in the carset (say, BTCC has 32 spaces, and it's how many more than 32 it has), is the carset that gets the go. Sounds great, and it does work well enough. However, the problem comes when people, say, vote for an F1 carset, so it comes up, and then don't join for whatever reason (usually because they cannot get the car that they want).
However, if I set myself on the list for, say, MR2s, there's a good chance that I'll actually join. Surely that should be taken account of in the queuing system?

So, the basic idea is to not base it off the number needed to fill up the carset, just plain off, but to base it off the 'real life' number that you will need. Say, F1, 22 spots. If you start it when there are 22 people on the email list, then only 40% will actually join. So, go for it when 55 people are on the list, fully knowing that 33 of them won't join the game, will be put off by the lower cars or something, and then it goes quickly. Apply the same rule for all carsets, off data we already could get (simply, the numbers on the list, and how many join), and it might work. But then and again, it might not.

The end result would be that the carsets still come out judged through popularity, but it's done fairly, so it would be harder to get a F1 set going, and less likely to whitewash the available sets with F1s.

So, lets get this show on the road

This is where I will post whenever I feel like it, about anything that's happening in BATracer. Really, anything. Or anything I know about, at least. So, you can safely expect:

-Things that I think need changing
-Me telling you to shut up
-A lot of things about carsets
-The RLB, how we really mucked up this time
-Comment on the news from the forum

All in all, enjoy. Or enjoy it as much as you can.